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Heavy Tank @HeavyTank

Age 31, Male

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Newgrounds City

Joined on 3/30/08

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I would like the add the mage's limit break also gives your team every good status effect, and the enemies every bad one.
I'd also like to add that every round the amount of HP the kittens have it goes up. At 83 they have well over 30,000.

OK, the first piece of info goes in the guide...well, the kittnes aren't really important since they will only be in the demo (in infinite numbers).



Other things I'd like to add:
The Warriors limit break with a rune sword fully restore mana. Normally restores for me 1300 mp. It's fairly helpful.
The Mage's limit break will cure you from all debuffs like Blind, stun, etc.
If you silence the guardian, he can't regen arms. It really helps in Epic mode.
The Sandworm boss on Hard and possibly Epic mode has a lot of attacks that debuff magic. I let it keep doing this, and eventually my healmore started healing for about 300 each. I suggest a lot of magic+ pots here.

Right, l will add them, thanks.

Okay, I just got through my run on Epic, and a couple more things...
The Attack arm on the guardian gets a new ability on epic mode that attacks everyone for 6000(!!!) each. Make sure to keep your defenses buffed and knock out that arm fast!
The Sandworm on Epic still has the ability to weaken magic, but it now seems to have a chance of activating on every single attack. The tail also can revive as usual, but it's now a lot quicker.
On the Golem boss, especially on the higher difficulties, I recommend trying to keep the Ice Node alive, as the amount of damage the Golem can do with it's melee attacks is huge, even if you are fully buffed. The fire node attacking will leave on team mate dead, and another at half health if not prepared.
For the Kitten Cart boss (As if that needs any advise for it...), use the Black Fang, and unleash every turn. The first turn the poisoning will do 8000, then next 16000, 24000, etc. The battle should only last 4 turns at the highest. =P

well now l only need some good tips for the hydra...this insta-death magic is really getting on my nerves...

For the Hydra, blind it, and maybe put auto-life on. Hopefully you should have Survivor and Evasion for the Warrior and Mage respectively, and make sure to drain both heads down at around the same pace

yeah some of the tips are there, but l guess that Blind would work on the hydra..

Well, I can now add that using syphon to stop the second boss from regenerating it's arms has been removed, or at least on normal mode. The boss however, has seemed to have been made a lot easier, so it seems to all even itself out.
Further studies are needed.

well l dunno l syphoned him on Hard and it worked...

i know some tricks to defeat the foes.
if you ever need them, PM me and i'll say it.


forgot what i said in my last post plz.
still, if you wanna hear what i did for some of the bosses/foes, just say.
an alternative strategy is always good.

and there's two mistakes: you forgot the weaknesses of the moths and i think that the super kitty is just something to replace the final boss.

Man, l know that the super kitty isn't the real final boss...l eve have a link to the real one..

This is a nice walkthrough. Really, but if you see EPBF1 it is a bit of not so new. I mean, the heroes are same, the gameplay is same. It would be better if there was a platformer like that. But a great walkthrough overall. It misses no detail of the game.

well it's called a SEQUEL....you have the same basic idea with a lot of new stuff...
And no, an EBF platforer would suck...

You know, you are right about answering my before comment. A platformer would suck. And, I finished the game and I found out that your walkthrough is the most helpful walkthrough I have ever seen.

You finished the game?
Now you are prepared for when the game come out :D
Thanks for the compliment.

i hope the survivor medal works anytime you survive with 1HP, and not if you defeat the final boss with just that left. if so, then it's easier than i thought. you just need that upgrade...
oh, and say that the warrior's protect is the best way to defend yourself from the worm's tail and the sealed spirits, please.
hope matt comes back soon...

you get the survior medal by having that upgrade that gives you a 30% chance to survive a dealy attack with 1 hp

well, then it's going to be cake.
good luck to everyone!

um.. useful walkthough.


Okay, I finally spaded the Guardian to death, and using unleash with the proper sword can seal the guardian, however the magic spell seems to rarely if ever do it.


Updated the game again.
I just installed the Newgrounds API wrong I think.

I dare you to find any bugs now.

l will

hey, there's a medal called "oblivion" now, you should just check it.
for the hard medals, you gotta go on easy. :/

yeah, l updated it

I shall beat the game on Epic before you! Muahahaha! :P


Another tip to survive with the hydra is using a skill name Angel on the mage that sometimes give hp when she is dead .

gives HP when she is dead?
No sir, it gives the AutoLife effect, and l did put that in the guide :)

This is good walkthrough, probably the bigger I've seen for a flash. But shouldn't it be fun if the stage with the giant kitten was a binus stage just for fun?

yeah why not

Well didn´t help when she was live only dead. Sorry I didn´t read everything after I got all the bestiary and protips.

wait, what do you mean by "when she was live only dead"?

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