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Heavy Tank @HeavyTank

Age 31, Male

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Typical Youtube conversation

Posted by HeavyTank - September 17th, 2009

Yeah, reading youtube conversations always makes me lose hope in humanity...in today;s episode, a confidence-lacking 15-year old against a guy who pretends to be an adult (mainly those 2 guys):
(warning: epic gayness and retardedness inside)

lolz a Microsoft Xbox 360
360 is gay period

whalesands (1 month ago) lolz just like you XD
DCizmine (1 month ago)fuck you bitch at least i have the best console out right now XD
whalesands (1 month ago) i have both! you poor bastard! ps3 sucks btw
DCizmine (1 month ago) why are you calling me poor ps3 is more expensive then a shitbox 360
your only fucking hating on it cause you can't afford one cocksucker
HumanOFtheWeek3000 (1 month ago) hey ive got a $2000 gaming pc now can we all just stfu
Raizdfingr (1 month ago) I have a $2800 gaming mac so can you stfu lol
HumanOFtheWeek3000 (1 month ago) mac's suck shit and they are way over priced... i actually lied i have a $600 computer i built myself, and its already better then your mac. check my channel and look at my specs compared to your dumbass imac
Raizdfingr (1 month ago) first of all its not called an imac lol. secondly man you must have no life still being on youtube from 2 hours ago haha nerd
HumanOFtheWeek3000 (1 month ago) okay first its summer so no i dont have a life and im 15.. so i actually cant have a life... second im not a nerd, and im not even close to looking like one.. how much nerds have you heard of that have had about 17 girlfriends in there life?
Raizdfingr (1 month ago) lol OMG 17..... come on pls thats nothing lol. (dates don't count as girlfriend) gotta give it to ya you are a funny guy for bragging about 17 "Gf's" lol
HumanOFtheWeek3000 (1 month ago) hey dumbass thats pretty good for a 15 year old... asking a girl out then going to see a movie or whatever and then making out... thats called a girlfriend. just fuck off i bet 17 is more then you had in your lifetime bitch
Raizdfingr (1 month ago) Haha man you are a youtube bully lol. Making out, kissing, having sex, going to a movie, whatever small action does not count as a gf lol. Sorry to say but i can't even count the number of times I have gone out on a DATE with a girl, (which is what all those things are) lol. And for a 15 year old your mouth is too big for your age, should really learn to tone down the language. Females don't like a guy that doesn't know respect, kindness, sincerity.. being a gentleman. so im a dumbass from what?
HumanOFtheWeek3000 (1 month ago) dont worry dude i know how to talk around girls, its just ppl like you who i dont like.. and this is the 21st century every one cusses no matter what age
Raizdfingr (1 month ago) lol no they don't. You just put yourself into the crowd that does. Just because other ppl do it doesn't mean you should. If everyone else screwed dogs and cats would you do it?? I'd hope not lol. And ppl like me? Son i have way more experience and knowledge than you do on women and how to attract them.
ritzsk8er (1 month ago) spoiled brat bet you live with your parents

...and by the way, all this discussion started because a guy in the vid opened up a BROKEN 360HD..yeah.


Haha, kids these days.

lol, yeah..

Fucking kids... you tube is a horrible location for these sorts of arguments. No logic, just random "fuck yous, I'm better". Get over your arrogance people.

agreed 100%

Wow.... Normally I only play a flash game once.. maybe twice... but this is just addicting... or maybe my competitiveness wont let me lose to that epic tank boss ~.~ anyway..... my tips are to get aerial support, secret weapon, sword breaker, counter, counter x2, cat warrior, cat tamer, defender, venemous, and maybe the +40% normal attack but its not really needed. For Natalie get bunny! and bunny!!, magic counter, and whatever else you may want. Now this set up is mainly for destroying that epic boss tank cause it works. When fighting the tank have slime bunny cast and have both characters defend basically at all times. Use the stone edge for the maximum defense. Almost all of your skill points for matt should have been put into magic defense and some into defense. When fighting the first tank always have natalie defend because of the tank's cannon can one hit her or the flames thrower does around 3k hits. With the slime bunny and both characters defending this should be a problem. Matt will counter most of the attacks aimed at him and also you randomely get no legs throwing a bomb for 20-29k damage or sword slash for 8k and random air strikes which can add up to some nice damage considering your all defense. With the defend ability the attacks on matt are reduced even further which makes damage laughable. When the real tank comes out its all out defending no matter how much hp you have. Even full hp can be killed in an instant and dont rely on Matt's survivor because a critical hit from one of the turrets + the machine gun will always over power it unless it works 10 times in a row... which is unlikely. Natalie may even die but that is fine, dont attempt to revive her if there are 3 turrets out. the best turrets to deal with are the poison and ice turrets because your immune to the poison and the ice will be shattered from the regen. Most likely the regen will constantly cast itself before it runs out. The counter will not only damage the tank or turrets but also lower their attack due to sword breaker. After much countering and air strikes the tank will fall and victory will be yours :] For those having trouble with the hydra that can be a real pain especially on epic. the best plan is to blind the first attempt you have since its hard to keep blinding and reviving and healing. always have natalie in auto life status and just let matt die >:] when you revive him just use the special since its full if hes killed by a reaper. every time natalie dies she should be revived from the auto life or a life pot if needed and use her special even if matt's isnt full. again.. these tips are for the epic mode so... you dont really have to follow them word for word on other difficulties wow... i typed way too much -.-

heh ignore my last post that was for a different topic, my bad


Wow im a fool, i did it right and i thought i did it wrong

You hacking or something? you have like, 333 vote maps (time fcuk) without getting the other vote medals. Strange.

A friend got it for me...I didn't even ask him to get it for me.No hax involved.

You have a lot of medals!
You should try out OCD+ <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/499695">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /499695</a>

I have them all except the last one....and l refuse to get such a ridiculous medal...

Is that the Secret Medal you are speaking of? If so, what do you do to get that one?

Oh, the '208' one, yeah, I have a feeling that no ones internet could ever cope with the requirements of that.

Maybe their is a possible trick to it?

Wylo and some other players have it...



I like my flamewars on youtube more. Sadly, the last one I was "involved" with was because the person who commented on what I commented on someone else pissed off people and went off topic, just like your saved conversation. Just remember that internet personas aren't the same as real life personas, which are even more amazing. Since that person said he's 15, he's over-compensating for his age, so he's only 10. That also means he's only had 1.7 girlfriends, which, to me, is freakin awesome.
