Best BFM ep. yet
This one was the funyest episode yet!
l liked the announcer part.....
Best BFM ep. yet
This one was the funyest episode yet!
l liked the announcer part.....
Double LOL!
Burnt face man is my favourite superhero!
And nice idea with the safri game!
Keep up!
Slightly bruised man is very proud of BFM will beat him>
Another great episode for a great series
That was very funny
Not silly at all....
Very funny and serious-like.
And to think that some guys make flash 1000 times worst than this in 3 months..
l have an idea:Why don't you make a series with this kind of stuff?
It would be great!
This is actually very good!
To say the truth, l expected this to be stupid flash (you know, almost all LL day 2008 were....) but this one is by very very far the best one!
Nice job, l outta give credit to you for Ur work!
Well, since this is not a video but a song with an image, l'll keep the tradition and l'll put a good, round 0!
l really like Newgrounds, it's an awesome site that combines movies, games, forums, messaging ,music, medals and levelling! Send me a PM to review and vote your stuff, l like reviewing so l have no problem as long as you're not being an asshole. Cheers.
Age 31, Male
Reviewer/Blam-Sav er
NG school
Newgrounds City
Joined on 3/30/08