This is legendary stuff!
The pics were very nice, even if most of them were not real.
This is legendary stuff!
The pics were very nice, even if most of them were not real.
This pwns!
This is very very good warhammer 40k action! It reminds me a lot of Dawn of war (the units).The battle was completely awesome, and so was the animation.
I've seen A LOT of cartoon violence, but this one is too much....not for the gore, but...l don't even know...jeez
The flash overall is great, but l have some questions 4 U:
1.Do you hate cats THIS much?
2.Tom Fulp could do something more....
3.The movie size is 11.7 MB...l just wanna know how did you manage to submit it..
Ah yes, the sound was a bit crappy..
Attention!This isn't a negative review, l am just telling my opinion.
Quite funny
It wasn't very intelligent, but it is cool.
Ok, this is super great!
The characters are so happy and moody and cool that this could be not only a TV series, but also a (disney) movie!
l really hope that you make 42 episodes, even if it is gonna take a lot of time...
Very nice and fluid animation, and awesome song
Epic awesomness!
Whoa!This is really mind-blowing action!
And it had also a great amount of feelings and emotions, and l want to congratulate you for your time and dedication to this series!!
l really enjoyed this ep. (not that l dind't enjoy the others).
l only have one complaint:why does the bird have to die?
l want to see what happens next..
The animation and the music were fine, but the sound had some problems.
That bird is very funny...
l really like Newgrounds, it's an awesome site that combines movies, games, forums, messaging ,music, medals and levelling! Send me a PM to review and vote your stuff, l like reviewing so l have no problem as long as you're not being an asshole. Cheers.
Age 31, Male
Reviewer/Blam-Sav er
NG school
Newgrounds City
Joined on 3/30/08